Revolutionising Delivery in TVET for Industry 4.0: Strategies from the Field– NGT and ISM Approach

TVET, Delivery Strategies, Industry 4.0, ISM, NGT


  • Raihan Tahir Department of Educational Management, Planning and Policy, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Zuraidah Abdullah (Associate Professor Dr) Department of Educational Management, Planning and Policy, Faculty of Education, holding the position of Deputy Director of Student & Alumni Affairs UMCCed, University of Malaya, Malaysia
October 19, 2023


Digital technologies and changing job market demands have brought significant changes to education and training. Industry 4.0, marked by advanced technologies and widespread digitisation, has transformed traditional industrial processes, creating entirely new job roles. As a result, new entrants to the workforce need fresh skills for this digital era. Integrating digital technologies into Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is crucial for preparing individuals for Industry 4.0. The COVID-19 pandemic emphasises the vital role of digitalisation in TVET. However, these changes have also revealed digital divides, showing limitations in traditional teaching methods and offering an opportunity for innovation. This research explores instructional strategies to transform the delivery and enhance the quality of TVET in Malaysia. The model, developed through the NGT and ISM approach, involves nine experts with over a decade of experience in mechanical and manufacturing-related diploma programmes from both public and private TVET institutes in Malaysia. Experts represented various portfolios related to learning and teaching and TVET management. The findings revealed seven delivery strategies prioritised and to be focused on. These strategies are clustered into three themes: technology-mediated learning environments, industry-simulated TVET settings and contextualised learning experiences. The strategies highlight the evolving roles of technical TVET instructors, which include facilitator of online or remote learning, curator of digital content, learning architect and technology integrator, as well as industry liaison and strategic partnership promoter. Originality/value - The study offers a practical solution for technical TVET instructors' reference in integrating technology in physical and remote learning environments.

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