Psychological Components of Communicative Competence of Medical and Defectological Students

defectology students medical students five-character traits emotional intelligence coping strategies communicative competence students-defectologist students-medicalists


  • Vasina V. V. Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Russia., Russian Federation
  • Minullina A. F. Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Russia., Russian Federation
July 18, 2023


Background: to find out the specifics of the psychological components of the communicative competence of 80 students-medicalists and 80 students-defectologists of Kazan Federal University (Russia). Methods: according to “The Big Five” Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire (McCrae-Costa) - extraversion, attachment, control (self-control), emotionality (emotional stability), playfulness (expressiveness); on emotional intelligence (D.V. Lyusin) - interpersonal understanding, interpersonal management, intrapersonal understanding, intrapersonal management, expression control; on coping strategies in stressful situations (CISS) - cognitive, emotional, behavioral strategies. For statistical processing, Student's T-Test and Pearsen's correlation analysis were used. Results: the features of the psychological components of the communicative competence of students-medicalists and students-defectologists are revealed, significant differences in the psychological components of the communicative competence of students-medicalists and students-defectologists are proved. In almost all studied parameters, the values of defectology students turned out to be higher than those of students-medicalists. But future medics are more prone to activity, dominance, attracting attention and seeking impressions, they are distinguished by their desire to establish warm, trusting relationships built on cooperation, understanding and respect for other people, they are more prone to anxiety, tension, depressive mood background, increased self-criticism and emotional lability than student-defectologists. Students-medicalists are significantly less able to understand and manage the emotions of other people, in contrast to defectology students. However, future medics are much better able to understand and manage their own emotions than future speech therapists. Discussion:  The practical significance lies in the opportunity to know the communicative characteristics of young specialists working with children with disabilities in the medical and defectological direction. In perspective, this will help to choose the right competency cards, knowing what characteristics students already have and should have, it is necessary to develop recommendations for teachers who train future medics and defectologists.

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