Selected Public School Teachers’ Awareness and Involvement in School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management Measures

Teachers’ Awareness Teachers’ Involvement Safe Learning Facilities School Disaster Management Disaster Risk Reduction in Education Philippines


September 24, 2023


This study aims to determine the level of awareness and level of involvement on School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management Measures of selected District 10 teachers in the Schools Division of Baybay City-District 10. The study made use of a descriptive correlational survey research design. Data were collected from 85 respondents employing an estimated 79% sample size. The study utilizes a 5-point Likert scale in measuring level of awareness and involvement. Part I of the questionnaire focuses on the socio-demographic profile of the respondents categorized the sex, age, civil status, number of related trainings/seminars attended and number of years in teaching service while Part II and Part III of the research tool focuses on the Teachers’ Level of Awareness and Level of Involvement on School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management Measures. The researcher utilizes the questions based from the DepEd in its School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Manual Booklet 2 in their 2015 edition. Results reveals that the respondents have high level of awareness and high level of involvement on School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management Measures. In addition, there was no significant differences in disaster’s level of awareness when grouped according their socio-demographic profile: sex, age, civil status, number of related trainings/seminars and number of years in teaching service and also the disaster’s level of involvement in School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management Measures shows no significant when they are grouped according to their socio -demographic profile. Lastly, the results reveal that there is a significant relationship between the teachers’ level of awareness and the teachers’ level of involvement on School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management Measures. Moreover, the results found out that installation of appropriate and available fire suspension equipment or resources such as fire extinguishers, water source and relevant indigenous materials, ensuring that learners have identification cards with relevant information and holding regular meetings with parents to exchange views on student’s achievement relating to DRR learning inside and outside the classroom had the lowest weighted mean. It can be concluded that there is a need for an action plan to developed to find solution to the indicators identified to have the lowest weighted mean both in the level of awareness and the level of involvement on School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management Measures.